Alzohary, A., Abdel Aal, M., Salim, E. (2024). The effects of crossfit training on the development of some elements of physical and functional fitness and the level of performance on the floor movement apparatus. Journal of Applied Sports Science, 14(2), 15-23. doi: 10.21608/jass.2024.290637.1106
Ashraf A Alzohary; Mona Al-Sayed Abdel Aal; Eslam Mohamed Salim. "The effects of crossfit training on the development of some elements of physical and functional fitness and the level of performance on the floor movement apparatus". Journal of Applied Sports Science, 14, 2, 2024, 15-23. doi: 10.21608/jass.2024.290637.1106
Alzohary, A., Abdel Aal, M., Salim, E. (2024). 'The effects of crossfit training on the development of some elements of physical and functional fitness and the level of performance on the floor movement apparatus', Journal of Applied Sports Science, 14(2), pp. 15-23. doi: 10.21608/jass.2024.290637.1106
Alzohary, A., Abdel Aal, M., Salim, E. The effects of crossfit training on the development of some elements of physical and functional fitness and the level of performance on the floor movement apparatus. Journal of Applied Sports Science, 2024; 14(2): 15-23. doi: 10.21608/jass.2024.290637.1106
The effects of crossfit training on the development of some elements of physical and functional fitness and the level of performance on the floor movement apparatus
1Department of Physical Fitness, Gymnastics and sports shows- Faculty of Physical Education for Men- Alexandria University
2Department of Exercises, Gymnastics and Motor Expression - Faculty of Physical Education for Girls - Zagazig University.
3Department of Physical Fitness, Gymnastics and Sports Shows -faculty of Physical Education for Boys - Alexandria University - Alexandria - Egypt
This research aims to identify the training effects of CrossFit in developing some elements of physical and functional fitness and the level of performance on the floor movement apparatus in accordance with the amendments to the international law for men's gymnastics . The basic study was applied to a deliberate sample of first-class artistic gymnastics players registered with the Egyptian Gymnastics Federation, and enrolled in the Military Institution Club in Alexandria, numbering (8) players. The experimental approach was used for one group to suit the nature of the research, as the experimental group underwent a training program for CrossFit, and the experiment continued. For a period of (12) weeks, (36) training units, (3) weekly training units.
Conclusions : - The use of crossfit training led to the improvement of some elements of physical and functional fitness among the first-class artistic gymnastics players. -The use of crossfit training led to an improvement in the level of skillful performance on the ground movement apparatus in accordance with the amendments to the international law for men's gymnastics among the first class artistic gymnastics players.
Recommendations : -The application of crossfit training to improve the elements of physical and functional fitness and the level of skillful performance of first-class artistic gymnastics players. - Conducting similar studies to find out the effect of crossfit training on various sports activities.